Many different tools and techniques exist, and are published online, to support people to manage disasters. In this section, we look at some of the tools and techniques that can help us to avoid disasters (this list will be added to over time).
Here is one way to articulate benefits of taking action to avoid disasters...
This piece discusses downward counterfactual analysis for multi-risk cascades...
This piece discusses how to use counterfactual thinking to learn from success...
How we leverage Earth observations is key to having upfront data to avoid disasters...
Pre-mortems can help us think through "prospective hindsight" to what could happen...
Hackathons are energised, fast-paced ways to solve problems...
How to use the bowtie to focus in on a particular risk and controls required...
This UN PAN toolkit equips public entities with tools and techniques for DRR...
A diagnostics assessment can help you assess the effort to avoid disasters...
This scorecard is designed to help communities assess their risk to wildfires...
All cities can evaluate Disaster Resilience using a free UNDRR scorecard...
Australia's National Science agency CSIRO has made available the Spark Platform...
IRP provides recovery guidance and resources for disaster recovery and building back better.
The Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Planning Hub provides resources and tools to practitioners for wildfire planning activities.
If you have any feedback or suggestions for us about tools and techniques that can help avoid disasters, please let us know!
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