This section is periodically updated with information and news from around the world.
1. Readiness to avoid disasters...
2. Upfront action to avoid disasters...
Do events have to turn into disasters? Is there anything we can do to mitigate their impacts? Gaia Vince asks experts, including Ilan...
How should we build homes to better withstand disasters? This podcast offers some ideas...
UNDRR Head Mami Mizutori describes how greater efforts to limit death and destruction from disasters will benefit the planet...
Experts gathered at UN Headquarters in May 2023 to speed up efforts to implement the agreement to bring about a safer world...
This article from The World Bank asks are we ready to respond to multiple events occurring together at the same time...
Rising temperatures in north Atlantic and drop in Antarctic sea ice are prompting fears of more damage from extreme weather...
A summary about decision support systems & tools, risk reduction and assessment, urban interface and wildfire management and safety.
Fire activity is rising in some regions, but as of 2020, the total area burned at the global level was not seeing an overall increase...
This piece from 2017 remains valid, describing how the global burned area declined by ∼25% over 18 years to 2017...
This piece describes some advice on land use planning and home construction to protect against wildland fires.
Scientists use satellites to uncover the role of vegetation dryness to aide wildland fires management and preparedness in California.
Imagine the perfect storm. A series of severe volcanic eruptions engulf the globe, spewing ash and sulphur into the atmosphere...
Earth observations reveal how green spaces, white roads and water features are helping keep cities cool during deadly heatwaves...
IRC research indicates cash-based anticipatory action greatly aides people in settings affected by conflict and climate change...
An editorial series exploring ways that design can help prevent, mitigate and recover from natural hazards...
In this piece published by EUMetSat, Altimetry expert Vinca Rosmorduc shines a light on how observations from satellite altimeters enable meteorologists to more accurately forecast and track cyclones.
FirEUrisk is a major project funded by the European Commission for use across Europe to help build resilient communities towards wildfires...
The Australian business Carbonix and ANU’s Bushfire Centre of Excellence are driving predictive models for proactive bushfire management...
With hard work, determination and a lot of luck a planned new plastics treaty might join the Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer as a landmark success in environmental diplomacy...
Record dryness has restored an ecosystem under Lake Powell, the country’s second-largest reservoir. Is it time to see it as ‘a national park rather than a storage tank’?
The conclusion of a multi-country review initiated by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) is that decision makers are failing to put people first and prevent risks from becoming disasters...
The Report of the Midterm Review of the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 summarises progress towards achieving the framework is working...
For more than two decades, satellites have recorded fires across the Earth. The data are unequivocal: Since the early 2000s, when 3% of the world’s land caught fire, the area burned annually has trended downward...
Climate change and land-use change could make wildland fires more frequent and intense, with a global rise in extreme fires of 50 per cent by 2100 according to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and GRID-Arendal...
In this report, Gallagher summarises the major catastrophe events that occurred around the globe in 2022, detailing the financial loss, fatalities and other major considerations...
More than 800m trees have been cut down in the Amazon rainforest in just six years to feed the world’s appetite for Brazilian beef, according to the Guardian newspaper...
This opinion piece published in The Guardian by Tim Smedley describes the need to rethink while the world becomes drier, profit and pollution are draining our resources.
The world is likely to face major disruption to food supplies well before temperatures rise by the 1.5C target, the president of the UN’s desertification conference has warned...
This piece published in The Week in Nov 2022 describes six different volcanoes around the world that could cause serious problems if they erupt....
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