Image credit: I Kelman
Flood structures separate people from the water and dampen out extremes. Infrastructure, communities, and businesses near these structures are often in a floodplain, yet people tend to become used to the lack of flood and drought variations.
Flood structures are large, solid, visible, and tangible – seemingly able to offer unassailable “protection”. Major advantages can emerge, such as electricity generation, water storage, and recreational areas. They can also create a false sense of security.
When few extremes occur, awareness, preparedness, and coping with floods and droughts can lapse. Eventually, a large flood or drought can occur and produce damage far greater than experienced by people who are used to regular, smaller-scale floods and droughts.
The structures change the hazard and so change expectations of the hazard. Without the right disasters avoided mindset to lead to the right behaviour, people can become more vulnerable and the risk of a disaster occurring can increase.
Image credit: Pixabay
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